Friday, January 28, 2011

Long Distance Relationship

How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Does holding on to the mantra “distance makes the heart grow fonder” begin to give you some doubts? If you’re troubled whether your long distance relationship will last long enough or not, you are not alone.

Everyday on the planet, millions and millions of people got no choice but to deal with being miles apart from their loved ones:

* Executives on a string of offshore meetings, leaving their families behind for days
* Soldiers fighting for freedom in a foreign land, with loved ones worrying about them back home
* High school sweethearts pursuing college degrees in separate and distant universities
* Overseas workers who can’t wait for their contracts to finish and be with their spouses and kids
* Movie stars shooting abroad, feeling all alone once the filming lights turn off
* Lovers who ran into each other online and awaiting for the day they meet each other physically

No matter who or what you are, no one is really excused when it comes to the obstacles posed by being in a long distance relationship. So, can long distance relationships work? Of course!

Snubbing naysayers

Like all those millions and millions of people above, I too once had to deal with a long distance relationship. The sad truth is no one really bothers to acknowledge the difficulties of keeping up a long distance relationship – people think it’s downright absurd and is bound for a breakup anyway.

You know what I mean if you are involved in such kind of a relationship: your parents, best friends, co-workers or classmates might have told you time and again that it’s never going to work. But that’s not true. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do to keep your long distance relationship fiery and strong.

Facing up to the challenge

Just think of it as a challenge. There’s a certain advantage to being miles away from your loved ones. Couples who got the advantage of meeting up with one another frequently somewhat fail to count their blessings after some time. But in your case, you have every reason to defy distance, to keep the connection alive, and to look forward to seeing each other like it’s the most important thing in the world!

Go on. Maintain the long distance relationship. Prove everybody wrong.

Thanks to the internet, keeping in touch with your sweetheart abroad is not as expensive as other modes of communication in the past. So there’s no reason for you to subscribe to that rubbish “distance makes the heart forget”! You can exchange e-mails, chat and call each other. You may send flying kisses via webcams or flood each other’s social networking site with sweet nothings!

Distance not a setback

Long distance relationships may sound unusual and challenging – but it’s not impossible! If you want to keep the relationship, then no one or nothing should persuade you to do otherwise – not your family and friends, and most especially not the distance.

Distance should not be the basis to end a relationship. Distance should be defied and considered as a test to make the bond stronger. You are not alone. I was once there. Millions and millions of people all around the world find it no problem. They survive it on a daily basis. And so can you!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things that hurt...

  • Being unsure of how someone feels about you.
  • Feeling like they are mad at you.
  • Being misunderstood by people you care about.
  • Being judged by people you care about.
  • Feeling like you lost something that was never yours.
  • Feeling like you’re doing too much.
  • Thinking you aren’t doing enough.
  • Not knowing if you should say something.
  • Worried about what they’ll think if you do say it.
  • Feeling like you care more than they do.
Hai! aktifitas gue seharihari nih...

I miss you little too much♥

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


  • I do believe that simple things really matter. Because even a misunderstanding could ruin everything.
  • Use your smile to change the world. Don't let the world change your smile.
  • Break the rules and stand apart! Ignore your head but follow your heart.
  • I do care about you until now. Bold the word 'now'. If you don't believe, up to you.
  • Single. Just because you are boyless doesn't mean you have to be joyless.
  • There's always a bit of something hidden when you say "nothing".
  • I don't have problem finding a boy, my problem is finding "the boy".
  • I tend to say: "I don't know" when I'm too lazy to answer.
  • I hate it when you mad at me just because something unimportant.
  • The difference between "like" "love" "inlove" is the same difference between "for now" "for a while" "forever".
  • Whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, keep it.
  • If you're brave to say "good bye", life will reward you with a new "hello".
  • Love is like drinking beer. Once you get too much of it, you begin to act stupid.
  • I'm in love. And even though its the worst thing in the world, it make me so happy.
  • I don't get jealous when I see my ex with his new girl, momma always told me to give my old toys to the less fortunate anyways.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue. I have five fingers, the middle is for you.
  • Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
  • I guess I just got hurt. And sometimes when that happens something inside me just shuts off.
  • If you love me, make it sure by show it. And the most important, prove it by ur action not ur words.
  • The best way to love is not to "fall" but to "feel".
  • Why can't I be that girl? The one you talk to your friends about and you want to be with.
  • How can I smile with tears in my eyes and say everything's okay when we both know it isn't?
  • Forgive and Forget. The only thing is, I’m trying to forget, before I forgive.
  • Your emotions and feelings are different things. You've to be careful about mixing up them.
  • Every day is a chance to grow and a chance to rediscover myself and others.
  • Be True, Be You, Be Unique. It is way better than pretending.
  • I don't want to be just a chapter. I want to be the whole story.
  • Love is a reason for trying, a reason for waiting, a reason for hurting and one of the reason of living.
  • I hate that I have to think of ways just to run into you.
  • Sometimes the memories, are worth the pain.
  • Past is a good place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay.
  • Love isn't a big thing. It's a million little small things.
  • I must be a pretty good liar for you to think that everything's alright.
  • Just because I don’t cry in front of you, doesn’t mean I’m heartless.
  • SINGLE = Someday, I Need Guy's Love Everyday.
  • A song is a moment, a friend is a time, and a best friend is a lifetime.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Ex Files.

Okay, your relationship is over! So you're moving on, uda gamau berlarut2 di masa lalu. But are you sure this ex-bF case is really closed? Coba inget22 lagi siapa tau masih punya ex-files yg belum terpecahkanya

FILE #1 : Can We Be Friends?

Abis ngelewatin masa sedih2 nya galau2 nya pts,mgnkn kita lo lo lo sadar kalo emg dia bkn yg terbaik untuk saat ini. Tapi....temenan aja ga masalah kan? Well, bisa aja kalo lo uda bener2 menata ulang hati dan pikiran, dan menjawab pertanyaan ini, "Have i really over him?" Kalau jawabannya ya, langkah selanjutnya:

1. Give him time & space
Kalo dia yg mutusinlo kasih dia waktu dulu buat jaga jarak. Biarin dia berpikir kalo lo baik2 aja and you want nothing morethan a friendship from him.

2. No extra attention
Namanya jg temenan, berarti gaboleh memperlakukan kaya pacar dong?yega? ada kemungkinan lo bakal flshbck dan nunjukin perhatian yg lebih kedia. Sebaiknya tetapin batasan dan jangan dilanggar. If you're still thinking of him in a romantic way, itu tanda nya lo blm siap buat yg namanya 'berteman' right?

3. Hang out in a group
Abis kalian uda nyaman sama namanya hubungan teman, you can spend some time together. Tapi.....hindari event romantis. Kalo perlu perginya brg2 temen se geng

4. Be friends with his nem gF
Eventually you guys may become very good friends. Pasti ada saatnya dia pengenlo kenal sama 'pacar barunya' itu. Don't be afraid to do so! kalo di sampe tahap ini lo survive, bahakan bisa jd temenan dgn pacarnya, artinya lo sukses remain friends with him. Congrats!!!;)

FILE #2: I want him back!

Wajar ajako kalo mau nakilab sama mantan...gue aja gt;ppppp HAHAHAHAHA kalo mantan lo blm punya pcr baru sih tancep gas ajedeh gebet lg;ppp

1. Don't beg!
Kalo dia mutusinlo grgr salah paham lo jelasin semuanya kedia sejujur mungkin kalo lo emg salah lo harus minta maaaaaaaf yg bener2 tulus dr hatilo. But, don't ever beg! kalo emg dia msh gapercaya....gamunkin lg hubungan lo dilanjutin.

2. Evaluate your relationship
Apa penyebab lo pts? Why you want him back? Apa yg lo suka dr dia? apalo bisa maafin kesalahan dia dan ga ungkit2 lagi masalah itu? Bagusnya kalian nge review problem yang ada berdua. Abis itu diskusi deh apa ada kemungkinan buat nakilab apa ga...

3. Be the person he fell in love with

Inget2 apa yg bikin dia jatuh cinta dulu? Be that girl again! mungkin selama ini lo berubah atau nambah bad habits yg bikin dia ilfil.

4. Let him know your feelings!
Darimana nebak2 apa dia punya keinginan yg sama, lebih baik biarin dia tau niatlo itu. lo bisa kasih sinyal mau balikan atau langsung ngmng smdia. What worst thing could happen? Dia gamau balikan? Tenang aja... you two broke up already, so you have nothing to lose! sekali usaha ckpya....kalo dia jg pengen lo balik pasti lgsng diambil tawaran lo itu:)

FILE #3: His annoying ex

You already know that you are'nt his first gF. yang baru lo tau adalah dia masih sahabatan dgn mantan pacarnya. emg perlu ya temenan sm mantan?

1.Be calm
Jgn kebakaran jenggot dolo. relax....minta pacar kenalin sm mantannya dari ketemuan itu lo bisa liat si mantan masih syg apa ngga. kalo masih dan lo ngerasa ke 'ganggu' suruh buat pacarlo agak jauhin pst pcrlo maukok tp klo gamau?hem....

2. Keep your enemy closer
Jgn ragu buat ngelibatin pacar dan mantannya. Not trying to br the crazy gF, tp memantau "lawan" dalam jarak pandang itu penting. tp jgn mandang dia musuh beneran, dan jgn pernah liatin kalo lo terancam karena ada dia. kalo mantannya ini jomblo lebih enak lo comblangin sm temenlo yg jomblo jg. beres kan?yeay:D

FILE #4: Dating bff's ex boyF

Beberapa org blg kalo jadian sm mantannya sahabat kita tuh mt blablabla. tp kalo temenlo ga masalah?knp ngga?

1. Pikir
Tapi.....sebelum nya lo harus pikir dulu apa yg bakalan sahabat lo 'rasain' jgn jg sahabat lo br pts sehari duahari tigahari empathari limahari lgsng lo embat mantannya. itu sih emg bener2 'mt'

2. The first one to know
Kalo lo jadian sm mantannya pastiin dia jd org pertama yg tau! jgn sampe dia tau dr org lain.

3. Friendship first
So, you decide to date her ex anyway and you are ready to take the consequences. Inget!!!!jgn sampe ini berpengaruh sm 'persahabatan' kalian. kalo ada perubahan....ya lo hrs berbesar hati memakluminya. Buat awalnya mungkin dia berat buat ngeliat kedeketan lo sm mantannya. But time does heal, asal lo ttp ngehormatin dia sebagai sahabatlo:')